The Sundaresan Laboratory
Measurement Science at the Single-entity Level

The Sundaresan lab employs electrochemical and optical techniques to 1) study the behavior of single entities such as nanoparticles, molecules, enzymes, and bacteria, and 2) develop ultra-sensitive chemical and bio-sensors.
June 12, 2024
Our lab has been awarded an NSF grant through CMI program to develop a multi-parameter super-resolution optical imaging technique, known as calcite-assisted localization and kinetics (CLocK) microscopy, to quantitatively study the morphological transformations of individual NPs during electrochemical reactions!
May 28, 2024
Lana Rodriguez joined our group as a summer researcher through the Ole Miss Chemistry REU program. Welcome, Lana!
November 28, 2023
Our lab has been awarded an NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track-4 grant to develop a high-resolution correlated electrochemical-optical technique for high throughput screening of electrocatalysts. Many thanks to Prof. Lane Baker, Texas A&M for his support as a host for this award! Thank you NSF!!
November 01, 2023
Sachintha Illesinge, Nchumi Ndaleh, and Gintu Thomas joined the group as graduate students! Welcome!!
August 24, 2023
Our collaborative paper with the Bohn group on dark-field based digital sensing of nanoparticles using nanopore arrays was published in Analytical Chemistry
June 13, 2023
Dr. Govinda Anantha Padmanabha joins the group as postdoc! Welcome Govinda!
May 23, 2023
Zori Jackson and Noella Tantine joined our group through the Ole Miss Chemistry REU program. Welcome Zori and Noella!
January 12, 2023
Dr. Sundaresan delivered a seminar titled "Exploring the Limits of Single Entity Electrochemistry" at CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI), Tamil Nadu, India as part of the CECRI@75 Lecture Series.
November 07, 2022
Our collaborative paper with the Willets group, reporting a new multi-parameter super-resolution imaging technique is published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters